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Why is it essential to have insurance in the U.S.?

Why-is-it-essential-to-have-insurance-in-the-U.S.You are not covered by the French social security when you travel to the USA.
The coverage of social security will not refund your fees in the amount of money very high practiced in hospitals and American doctors. Your supplementary insurance will not reimburse you your medical expenses in the USA. Once you arrive on U.S. territory, either for sightseeing or to settle permanently, your supplementary insurance company will not charge unless you have a contract stating that coverage, which is extremely rare.
Medical costs are among the highest in the world.
Health care costs are not commensurate with what we have in Europe. If you have an accident or if you get sick, you will suffer the financial consequences for a very long time or even a lifetime.
Consultations with U.S. in a GP start at $ 70 to over $ 300. The visits to specialists are much higher. Drugs are much more expensive and a simple blood test can easily cost you $ 150.
The medical process quickly becomes very expensive.
In the U.S., if you get sick with the flu, which is not what is worse … your first visit to the doctor usually will cost a minimum of $ 150 (following consultations are often less expensive but remain around $ 100), he will prescribe antibiotics for example to be much more expensive and not reimbursed by the U.S. Social Security.
The American social system is very different from the European and especially French social security. Remember that Social Security is not an American health insurance in the sense we understand it in France with social security.

No hospital or American doctor, unless you’re at the point of death, would agree to treat you if you can not provide a credit card or care insurance.
Before you administer any medical care in the United States, you will be asked to prove that you are “insolvent” (show care insurance, your credit card etc.). If you need to be hospitalized, it can cost you dearly and if you do not have insurance, you will suffer the consequences, sometimes your whole life … So choose an insurance policy that is committed to provide a support in as soon as possible and have relays in the United States or a platform of contact available 24/24 and 7 / 7.
Your credit card does not offer health insurance adapted to American medical costs.
Insurance with your credit card (Visa, MasterCard, American Express) are more like support contracts that assists you in case of incidents, for a short time without giving you a real health insurance and no way if you stay more than 3 consecutive months in the United States.
In general, insurance coverage (mainly insurance against accidental death or disability) shall apply only if you bought your ticket with the card. Concerning the reimbursement of medical expenses, insurance limits credit card are very low and insignificant compared to the high cost of medical expenses in the U.S. or if the maximum payment is higher (eg Visa Premier), you’ll to pay a higher deductible for any care generated.
Do not mess with health.

According to the adage “prevention is better than cure”, take all measures to prevent a health glitch otherwise it will cost expensive especially in the United States.


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